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Al-Milal Wa Al-Nihal
After the Apostle died, of course the revelation given by the Angel Gabriel was completed, as there was no last Prophet other than Prophet Muhammad.

The death of the Prophet left a deep sadness for the Muslims especially the Prophet's friends from Abu Bakr As-Shidiq, Umar Ibn Khattab, Ustman Bin 'Affan,' Ali Ibn Abi Talib even we know Bilal's companions left Mecca because they could not there is a Prophet. Bilal, who was only a servant of the Sahaya before his freedom, had declared the Islamic treatise on Islam brought by his beloved Prophet. Bilal left Mecca because every place he visited reminded the beloved Prophet.
In contrast to the companions still living in Mecca, they were placed in a position where they had to choose a leader (Caliph at that time) as their successor after the Apostle's departure. And to the companions of Abu Bakr RA since he was the Prophet's father-in-law, he was the most celebrated because of his faith above anyone else, the title of As-Shidiq was attached to when the Apostles in Isra'el and Mi'rajkan, which the entire people of Mecca explained makes sense, in contrast to Abu Bakr who believed in everything that the Messenger carried including Isra 'Mi'raj.
After Abu Bakr, the Caliphate was handed over to Umar Ibn Khattab's friend, Ustman Ibn 'Affan, and to Ali Ibn Abi Talib.
However, who would have thought that at the end of Ali's caliphate stood the caliphate who had a long history of Islam all over the world. Islam after the caliphate of Ali replaced the Umayyad dynasty. Yes, the Umayyad is one of the Prophet's companions
This Umayyad dynasty dates back to the time of the shiffin war and the tahkim period, during which Ali was abducted by Mua'wiyyah Ibn Abi Sufyan who wanted to seize power. Thus, it was during this period that the various religions, theology in Islam, emerged.
But later in Islam beginning with the Mu'awiyyah rebellion against Ali, as we know Ali's supporters in Shi'ite, and his defectors are referred to as Khawarij, Khawarij is a plural form of the word Kharij which means outsiders, Khawarij are the ones who come out from supporting Ali. Mu'tazilah, Qodariyah, Jabbariah and others appeared at this time.
The complete history of the above tragedy can be read in the Book of Al-Milal Wa Wa An-Nihal.
However, we have the book translated and downloadable like the Cover Book example above. The book entitled Al-Milal Wa Wa An-Nihal can be downloaded below. 
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